what usually indicates that ur virtual user script has dynamic data that is dependent on u parameterized fields?
2 9590Post New IBM Interview Questions
What is aop?
If memory is allocated to a class,when object of the class is created then how do we use the abstract class methods.coz v cant create obj of abstract class, only reference is created,when the abstract class data and members got the space in memory??
Explain the advantages of the distributed components?
What is DBSqlPassThrough?
What Are The Steps Involved In The Concreting Process, Explain?
what is cross hair cursor?
What is global trade services?
How is view stored in database?
Whenever we load data into oracle table from staging table using exchange partition...then I read somewhere that data actually doesn't move in this and this command only reset the pointer in the data dictionary...so if data doesn't move then how data is loaded into the main table ? I mean wat is the point of pointer update in data dictionary?
Which is the first communication satellite of the world?
What is a thread in email?
Why is resampling done?
What is margin and padding?
What is viewresolver in spring?
Is hibernate session thread safe?