i am a non IT student. answer to the question like why do want to enter to the software line?
2 7602
Explain the impact of overfitting and underfitting on AI safety.
How can you ensure that you are not overfitting with a particular model?
Suppose that American Express has 1 million card members along with their transaction details. They also have 10,000 restaurants and 1000 food coupons. Suggest a method which can be used to pass the food coupons to users given that some users have already received the food coupons so far.
How the new states are generated in genetic algorithm? a) Composition b) Mutation c) Cross-over d) Both b & c
Is python good for machine learning?
What are the challenges of working on cross-functional AI teams?
What is the relationship between AI and cognitive science?
What is transfer learning ?
What are the long-term consequences of ignoring ethical considerations in AI?
What is the best language to learn machine learning?
Consider a problem of preparing a schedule for a class of student. This problem is a type of a) Search Problem b) Backtrack Problem c) CSP d) Planning Problem
What are the main components of an autonomous system?
What is rollup and cube?
Check whether a given integer is a palindrome or not without converting it to a string.
What are conjugate gradients, levenberg-marquardt, etc.?