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TCS Interview Questions
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Tell me about yourself?

229 498512

Describe a complex problem you have solved or haven't solved?

9 38387

What are your short-range and long-range goals and how do you expect to achieve them?

17 60124

What are your Greatest strengths and weaknesses?

47 177813

What do you expect of others in a team environment?

12 34648

How do you establish working relationships with new people?

11 41032

Where you would like to be in 5 years?

23 52125

what are the stages in Testing life cycle?

50 107171

What is Boundary Value Analysis(BVA) and Equivalence Class Partition(ECP)?

10 55103

What is your biggest strength ?

23 62499

what is tracebility matrix?

8 24642

what is test plan and what it consists?

15 58334

what is sevirity and who will decided that one?

11 22335

what are Recoring modea available in winrunner?

3 8143

What accessories required to give the motor with given circuits and do you know the ratings of those accessories?

4 27807

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TCS Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

what is the different between a servlet and a cgi? Why do you go for servlet rather than cgi?


What is the first argument of the string array in main method?


what is ember.arraycontroller and what is the advantage of it ?


how to select speed of the spindle and work head for production jobs ( Internal grinding )


Define a nested class.


i am laying a base of dimensions 6.5feet by 7feet by 1.25 feet depth how many bags of 25kg cement and how many bags of 25kg sand will i need


Is spring a container?


What is the meaning of brand value?


What are the factors influence the choice of an electrc drive?


as muthoot finance is a finance co,so what would be pattern of asking in relation to finance and a/c question?will it be basic or general or it would be market related situation?plz if help me anybody...


What do you understand by three-tier architecture?


What is your father's professional background?


What is a representational state transfer(rest) in angularjs?


What is the shortcut key to refresh laptop?


Where is compress pictures in powerpoint 2010?