What is tag?
To what organic group do pentoses belong?
Explain the difference between cfm (cubic feet per minute) and scfm (standard cubic feet per minute)?
What is default password for mysql?
What is the relationship between the pinch feature, the table in which administrators are stored, and the infotype 0001?
What is a trigger and its types?
Which dialog box allows users to switch to another area of the application?
Explain pointer to the constant and constant pointer?
How to write a code for multiple transactions? : abap bdc
Differentiate between supervised and unsupervised learning?
How can an improvement in the quality of software be done by try/catch/throw?
What is a strong name in .net?
Explain listiterator and methods in listiterator?
When should one use mean absolute error over root mean square error as a performance measure for regression problems?
What is scrum?