what is sevirity and who will decided that one?

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what is sevirity and who will decided that one?..

Answer / praveen 9885734486

the above 2 answers r currect but to be exactly sevirity is
to rate the importance of bug with respective to

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what is sevirity and who will decided that one?..

Answer / tanya

Severity is the impact the bug would cause on the

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what is sevirity and who will decided that one?..

Answer / radhesh

sevirity is nothing but seriousness of the bug i.e depth of
the bug.
it will be decided by the testers who are reporting the
bug in general.

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what is sevirity and who will decided that one?..

Answer / suneel reddy

Severity is nothing but the Inpact of the bug

We Will give severity

But our lead will verify that and gives appropriate severity

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what is sevirity and who will decided that one?..

Answer / shakun garg

Severity signifies impact of bug on the functionality of application. Severity may be of various types:
If bug is impacting the functionality of whole system or component of system or system has been break down than severity will be critical.

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what is sevirity and who will decided that one?..

Answer / naveen

It is the extent to which the defect can affect the software

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what is sevirity and who will decided that one?..

Answer / s.ramprasad.


Severity is a Metric.
It can be measured from 1 To 4.

Highest / Lowest severity is How the Functionality of the
application is affected.

Pl refer Bug Metrics for More Information.
S.Ramprasad. sun_ramprasad.

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what is sevirity and who will decided that one?..

Answer / kathiravan

Severity means Impact of bug in the application.

team Lead will decide that one.

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what is sevirity and who will decided that one?..

Answer / rahul das

Severity explain about how bad the issue is.
Decided by PL or PM

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what is sevirity and who will decided that one?..

Answer / natwar

sevirity is the rate of bug importance with respect of
application that generally decided by developer.

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