Hi my program is accesing data from two db2 databases.what is the bind card for this program to genarate plan? how to specify the two owners and two qualifiers in bind card
1771Post New TCS DB Development Interview Questions
What would be the issues while executing Exhange revaluation where muliple company codes, multiplal operating concerns and multiple controlling area exists ?
What are the 2 types of java programs?
What is synchronization channel?
Is array thread safe c#?
Give the chemical formula for Borax?
how can can column be corrected when the design is not safe ? is the increasing the clearcover a solution?
program to convert a integer to string in c language'
Advantages/Disadvantages of earthing of neutral bus on MSB instead of separate neutral earthing for transformer/DG sets feeding to MSB
Write the mathematical form of nernst equation and give one application? : Electrochemistry Corrosion
How many tcp connections does http use?
How did you do unit testing in your project?
Why kerberos?
Define Storage-as-a-Service?
Can we use Ccapacitive voltage transformer directly for metering purpose?
What is a sobject type?