What is Boundary Value Analysis(BVA) and Equivalence Class

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What is Boundary Value Analysis(BVA) and Equivalence Class Partition(ECP)?..

Answer / prashanth chenna

Equivalence Class Partition (ECP): Means dividing the input
Domain into groups and name these groups as Valid and
Invalid. By Using these groups we can derive the Test Cases.

Boundary Value Analysis (BVA): Means finding the boudaries
for given particular value. By Using these boundaries there
is maximum possibilities of finding Bugs/Defects in an

Example: In an Application User ID takes 5 to 10 Alphabets.
It is the Customer required.

User ID: 5-10 Alphabets

Valid Invalid
A-Z 0-9
a-z Special Charecters
Blank Field

Min = 5 Pass
Min-1 = 3 Fail
Min+1 = 6 Pass
Max = 10 Pass
Max-1 = 9 Pass
Max+1 = 11 Fail

Is This Answer Correct ?    74 Yes 10 No

What is Boundary Value Analysis(BVA) and Equivalence Class Partition(ECP)?..

Answer / sunitha

BVA: Instead of we entering every possible input domain we
check the input domains with boundaries only.

Eg:empID takes 4-16 alphabets.

value - status.

min->4 pass
min-1->3 fail
min+1->5 pass
max->16 pass
max-1->15 pass
max+1->17 fail.

with this we enter valid values enter as input domains.

empID should accept 4-16 alphabets.

valid - invalid

a-z 0-9
A-Z spaces, special characters.

Is This Answer Correct ?    47 Yes 4 No

What is Boundary Value Analysis(BVA) and Equivalence Class Partition(ECP)?..

Answer / krishna

Equivalence partitioning:- It is an black box testing
technique and it can be defined as "Dividing the input
domain of data into the class of interavels and from which
we can prepare test cases.

Boundary value analysis:- It is also an black box technique
majorly stress on boundary conditions.As the most of the
bugs reside at boundaries.

Is This Answer Correct ?    34 Yes 4 No

What is Boundary Value Analysis(BVA) and Equivalence Class Partition(ECP)?..

Answer / baba

BVA : If an input is bounded on 20 and 30 , the testcase
should included the values 20 , 30 and Just above and below
of 20,30 respectively.
ECP : if an input specified member of sets , then one valid
and one invalid values included

Is This Answer Correct ?    37 Yes 12 No

What is Boundary Value Analysis(BVA) and Equivalence Class Partition(ECP)?..

Answer / b.s.k

in the column of date format is mm/dd/yyyy
mm value should be 01-12=pass
mm value should be<1=fail
mm value should be>12=fail

dd value should be 01-31=pass
dd value should be>1=pass
dd value should be<1=fail
dd value should be>31=fail

yyyy value should be>01=pass

yyyy value should be<9999=pass

yyyy value should be<0000=fail
yyyy value should be<9999=fail


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What is Boundary Value Analysis(BVA) and Equivalence Class Partition(ECP)?..

Answer / bhanu

Bva:means boundary vaue analysis& giving range kind of input values and test the functionality of the application.
formulae : min -1,min,mid, max-1,max+1

ecp:means equalance class partitioning & dividing the input
Domain into groups and name these groups as Valid and
Invalid. By Using these groups we can derive the Test Cases.

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What is Boundary Value Analysis(BVA) and Equivalence Class Partition(ECP)?..

Answer / rajashekar

Boundary value analasys(BVA)

:-when ever a range kind of values are need to be tested
then this technique is sujjested

syn: LB-1 LB MV UB UB+1


3 4 14 15

Equalance Class Partition(ECP)
:- When ever multiple requirements are there for a single
future or different verities of
inputs are need to be tested then this technique is sujjested.

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What is Boundary Value Analysis(BVA) and Equivalence Class Partition(ECP)?..

Answer / swapna

BVA & ECP are 2 mathematical notations which will be followed in BBT(input domine test'g),it,s a part of functional testing.

BVA: it helps to determine SIZE & RANGE(boundaries) of inputs.
ECP:it helps to determine VALID/INVALID cases of inputs.

Example: IN a login process,USername object allows alphabets & numarics from 4 to 20 characters long in both lower & upper cases. where as password object allows only alphabets from 4 to 10 characters long only in lower cases.


BVA(Size/Range) ECP(Valid/invalid)
Min = 4 = pass Valid & invalid
Max = 20 = pass 0-9, A-Z blank spaces&special char's
MIN-1=3 = fail a-z
Max-1=19= pass
Min+1 = 5 = pass
Max+1 = 21 = fail

BVA(Size/Range) ECP(Valid/invalid)
Min = 4 = pass Valid & invalid
Max = 10 = pass a-z 0-9, A-Z
MIN-1=3 = fail blank spaces&special char's
Max-1=9= pass
Min+1 = 5 = pass
Max+1 = 11 = fail

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 4 No

What is Boundary Value Analysis(BVA) and Equivalence Class Partition(ECP)?..

Answer / a2knch

Boundary valud analysis is that we are setting some
boundaries for our inputs to test.
For example
in the column of date the format is mm/dd/yyyy
mm value should be 01-31 = pass
mm value should be <1 = fail
mm value should be >31 = fail

dd value should be <=12 = pass
dd value should be >=01 = pass
dd value should be >12 = fail
dd value should be <01 = fail

yyyy value should be >= 0001 = pass
yyyy value should be <= 9999 = pass
yyyy value should be <0000 = fail
yyyy value should be >9999 = fail

dd |01-31| mm |01-12| yyyy |0001-9999|

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What is Boundary Value Analysis(BVA) and Equivalence Class Partition(ECP)?..

Answer / seshu@123

This two comes uder test case design techniques:-
Equivalance partioning :- If the input is a range of value between a to b than design the test case by selecting one valid value and two invalid values.
Boundary value Analysis:- If the input is a range of value bteween a to b then design test case by selecting values such as a,a+1,a-1,b,b+1,b-1

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