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TCS Business Objects Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is main functional differences between BO and COGNOs?

5 15259

how to test reports in businessobjects?

8 51639

What is a universe?

8 11975

Types of universes in business objects?

20 33959

What services the broadcast agent offers on the server side?

2 8690

How can you access your repository with different user profiles?

2 8135

What is the test methodology for testing BO Universes?

3 9637

What is the drill up , drill down, drill by , drill trough ?

3 20251

How to create Generic TIME CLASS, which includes Objects Year,Month and Qtr?

1 6417

1.what is context? How u create? With example.

2 13175

2.What is loop? How resolve the loop?explain it?

11 60737

3.what is alias?

5 9579

4.what is repository? types

8 15534

5.what is LOV? where it is store?

3 13694

6.what is conformed dimension? R u used?

8 17575

Post New TCS Business Objects Interview Questions

TCS Business Objects Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Can excel be used as a database?


How to redirect to new page on click of button in html?


What is a table in ms word 2007?


Which bank launched e-banking lounge first time in india?


What are some mechanical laboratory apparatuses?


Can I have html form property without associated getter and setter formbean methods?


Which partner function is relevant when it comes to tax calculation in the sales order?


What is ctrl n in word?


How does systemd work?


In what way the protection fault handler concludes?


How would you best determine why your MVIEW couldnt FAST REFRESH?


What is difference between egrep and grep?


Mention what are the two ways to add constraints to a route?


Explain the benefits for it organizations by using blackberry?


Can I use xml namespaces in dtds?