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TCS Interview Questions
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Tell me about your self..

58 475753

Indexers in c#?

8 20862

whatis the diff between ejb and servlet/jsp

6 19082

what is the main difference between c and c++?

386 619601

What is DTS package?

2 20972

What provider use by default?

10 21987

What is the main difference between SDLC & V-MODEL. In the interview,wht exact difference,i should tell for an interveiwer

6 20743

1)can anyone explain how to use Normalizer transformation for the following scenario Source table | Target Table | Std_name ENG MAT ART | Subject Ramesh Himesh Mahesh Ramesh 68 82 78 | ENG 68 73 81 Himesh 73 87 89 | MAT 82 87 79 Mahesh 81 79 64 | ART 78 89 64 | please explain what should be the normalizer column(s) The GCID column 2)Also please explain the Ni-or-1 rule.

5 26313

Consider a scenario where there are two action sheets say action 1 and action 2. Can Action 1 take values from action 2 data sheet or vice versa. If so, how?

6 11676

how to print "hai" in c?

13 15486

Difference Between Adhoc Testing & Exploratory Testing?

20 63083

Difference between Verification & Validation?

31 90794

Difference between Test Case & Use Case?

6 24417

what is the difference between 5v capacitor and 5v battery

25 38255

Explain the V-Model

7 14534

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How can I remove a page break in word?


Is pdo more secure than mysqli?


How to accelerate electron capture decay?


What different internet connection methods can a user use to connect to a cloud?


What is sample and counter sample?


What are R applications of R clustering?


When should I use .net core?


What are the advantages of using xml?


What if I do not have a CD-ROM drive?


What is cursor status?


What is a const pointer?


What are the uses of Stored Procedure?


Which entry we pass self entry like cash withdraw for ourself


Is toshiba hard disk good?


What is command for check disk?