What is the main difference between SDLC & V-MODEL. In the interview,wht exact difference,i should tell for an interveiwer
6 205031)can anyone explain how to use Normalizer transformation for the following scenario Source table | Target Table | Std_name ENG MAT ART | Subject Ramesh Himesh Mahesh Ramesh 68 82 78 | ENG 68 73 81 Himesh 73 87 89 | MAT 82 87 79 Mahesh 81 79 64 | ART 78 89 64 | please explain what should be the normalizer column(s) The GCID column 2)Also please explain the Ni-or-1 rule.
5 26030Consider a scenario where there are two action sheets say action 1 and action 2. Can Action 1 take values from action 2 data sheet or vice versa. If so, how?
6 11477Post New TCS Interview Questions
How do you create a workflow rule in SAP Hybris?
What is processing class, where we do them and why? : sap abap hr
A company canteen needs an automated system for its food and beverage management. The canteen receives food and beverage items from different distributors. All the non perishable items are stored in the store-room and the perishable items are put in the fridge. The manager should be able to add, delete or update food and beverage items onto the system and perishable and non perishable item details are to be stored separately. Both waiters and the cooks should be able to update the perishable items, but only the cooks should be allowed to update the non perishable items. Both cooks and waiters are not allowed to add or delete any items that are entered. identify the Schema, Table , Fields
How you can set up jenkins job?
What do you understand by python modules?
Explain what does hbase consists of?
What is shadow dom and how it is helping to perform better in angular 2?
what is inbound email integration?
How have you improved the capabilities of people in a team you have managed?
What is the use of @inject annotation?
What is ildasm and obfuscator in net?
What is unmodifiable list?
Is unix written in c?
Which api is provided by java for operations on set of objects?
How to choose a theme?