How you perform sytemtesting in organization, i am not asking definiton approach for system testing
3 7735Post New CTS Manual Testing Interview Questions
Is google a dynamic website?
I have 6 months experience as project tarine and one and a half year experience as software engineer.Should i write taht my total experience id 2 years.
please give the erp test cases
Can we select a element having a specific class in jquery ?
With 12 mhz clock frequency how many instructions (of 1 machine cycle and 2 machine cycle) it can execute per second?
How do you call the multiple lifecycle mechanisms configured for the same bean?
What are the limitations of Kirchoff's laws?
What is URL Forwarding ?
can any one give some examples for pre sql and post sql(Except dropping and creating index).
What is a sting?
How do I publish my wordpress site?
When do subnet is true working?
Explain about datafile/verification of date file when file is not available in local system?
Reports: Event functionality.
How tripod is used?