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CTS Teradata Interview Questions
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can I use “drop” statement in the utility “fload”?

2 15679

What is FILLER command in Teradata?

9 29275

Hello all, There is a table with 4 columns in that 3 columns has been already loaded with 5 million records.4th column is empty,Now I have got 5 million records data which has to be loaded into 4th column.How can I load this data fastly in to the 4th column with out using update

5 13343

In which scenarios we use Volatile tables and Global temporary Tables in Real time? Please give me one real time scenario???I know wat is its use??

3 15307

Difference between Qualify and group

4 15159

if a error occured in FASTLOAD is the fastload job stops?

1 4992

sel a.t1,b.t1 from emp a left outer join dept b ON where b.deptno=10; sel a.t1,b.t1 from emp a left outer join dept b ON and b.deptno=10; what is the difference on the above 2 queries?

3 9286

i have column like below studentid studentname sub1 sub2 sub3 1 aaa 40 70 90 2 bbb 60 80 50 i want to execute every student highest mark in which subject my o/p like below studentid studentname sub3 sub2 1 aaa 90 2 bbb 80

12 15401

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CTS Teradata Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Why a client should be multithreading? Explain.


what is Derivative Documentation,Derivative Settlements,Derivative confirmation?


How many types of sorting are there in c?


What are the three types of databases?


What languages bi uses to achieve the goal?


Explain about gsm interfaces?


What does d mean?


How enviornment veriable can be included into my script. I want to include some information into my Excel file using Test run in WR. like User name of system? waht is function to be used? Please clarify.....


What is jpa in hibernate?


What method does android follow to track applications?


What does free command do in linux?


What is the current version of joomla?


What is the difference between row store and column store?


How do you show ubuntu?


How do beans become 'singleton' or prototype?