Tell me how many moons do mars have?
manhole chamber having height of 2300 mm and thickness of brickwork is 230 mm and dia of opening covering is 560 mm and bottom length vertical is 1500 mm (1:4) brick masonry and plaster 12 mm on both to estimate the no bricks used with mortar cement bags and sand for total chamber including plaster.
how many levels are there in a physical file?
plz provide me all previous HPCL examination papers of electronics and communication branch.
How do you use viewstate?
explain the proc in sas? : Sas-administrator
Why multi flow design pattern is use, how splitting is implemented in it?
Describe about Bacteria colonies and strange colours ?
what does it mean caching only server in terms of DNS?
What does a simple spring application contain?
What is the purpose of self?
Can administration tasks be automated?
What are the differences between servlet context vs servlet config?
What are the android development tools?
Explain glass box testing?