What is the difference between Product-based company and
Projects-based company?

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What is the difference between Product-based company and Projects-based company?..

Answer / m.ragothaman

Product based -
1. example yahoo is a product based company - they selling
their product to outside - Features are analyzied by the
market and develope the product
2. IBM,Google,microsoft(IE) also product base companies
WIPRO,INFOSYS - both product & Project based companies

Project based companies - application developed based on
customer requirements

I have answered upto my knowledge - please correct if i am


Is This Answer Correct ?    176 Yes 12 No

What is the difference between Product-based company and Projects-based company?..

Answer / m.ragothaman

This is also one of the difference

Product - impact on groups(Requirement gathered from market
Project - impact on users(requirement from users)


Is This Answer Correct ?    67 Yes 8 No

What is the difference between Product-based company and Projects-based company?..

Answer / sunil reddy

product: requirements defined by company itself

it is 4 market

Project : requirements came from client

Beta testing 4 product and alpha testing 4 poject

Is This Answer Correct ?    42 Yes 5 No

What is the difference between Product-based company and Projects-based company?..

Answer / rsntallapudi123

Product based company develops the applications for Global
clients i.e there is no specific clients. Here requirements
are gathered from maket and analyzed with experts.

Project based company develops the applications for the
specific client. The requirements are gathered from the
client and analyzed with the client

Is This Answer Correct ?    39 Yes 5 No

What is the difference between Product-based company and Projects-based company?..

Answer / ferdinand martin

Instead of summarizing what my above friends have done i
would give u some examples, perhaps that would help you
understand the same.

Product Based Companies:
Microsoft, Sun, Linux etc.

Project Based Companies:
TCS, Wipro, Satyam, Polaris etc.

Is This Answer Correct ?    33 Yes 7 No

What is the difference between Product-based company and Projects-based company?..

Answer / uday

Product-based company : Basing on all the users (not
restricted to specific type of customers). All the users in
the world can use their products.

Project-bases comapny : Basing on the specific customer.

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 5 No

What is the difference between Product-based company and Projects-based company?..

Answer / jawahar

•Developing an application based on clients requirement
•It will be released only to the particular client
•SDU develops an application based on their own requirement
•It will be released into market.
•Eg: Microsoft, Tally

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 9 No

What is the difference between Product-based company and Projects-based company?..

Answer / jitender gyani

Actually Product-based company is the company which develop
application by studying the market
and the Project-based company is the company which develop
application according to the customer requirement

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 5 No

What is the difference between Product-based company and Projects-based company?..

Answer / swapnil

Generalise Scenario:
Product based comapny: Just an extended example to the
above added details.
Ex: Ready made shirts of any brands like Peter England,
Allen Solly.. etc u can consider as a Product which are
developed with markets requirement

Service based company:
Ex: Gonig to the Tailor and asking for shirt pants with ur
required measurements.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 3 No

What is the difference between Product-based company and Projects-based company?..

Answer / shiva

Product based company:
It develops the software tools and sells to their
customers, at the same time it considers the feedback from
the customers and make changes to the tools as per clients
eg: Ramco is a product based company. It provides
software to aviation MRO(Maintenance, Repair and
overhaul) projects.

project based company:
These are the end users of the software tools that are
developed by a product based company for there work or
project to be done in a systematic way.

This is my idea, let me know if i am incorrect.

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