I have a KSDS File.I hav a Records like 1,2,3,4,5,6,...100. I want to read using Dynamic mode like from 10 th Record onwards like, 10,12,14,16,18,....60. Waht is the command for this.
2 7530Post New CTS QSAM Interview Questions
Why do we use namespace feature?
How the function code handles in flow logic?
What all data sources you have used to acquire data in sap bw system?
What is #include math h in c++?
Actinium is often considered a rare and scarce element. How does its rarity impact its industrial uses and research purposes?
In a Furnace arch pressure is more than Hearth pressure,then how flue gas travels to stack
What is a java object and java application?
What are the most important google ranking factors?
What is the “preserve” checkbox and when to use it?
What has stored procedures in sql and how we can use it?
Importance of fault current in power transformers and how to monitor the same? How is it different from winding temperature?
what is the use of FR-4(flame retardant)in PCB design why dielectric material used in inner layer in PCB design technology??
What is difference between hive and hdfs?
Can you overwrite Hadoop MapReduce configuration in Hive?
Explain quality control?