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CTS C Sharp Interview Questions
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What?s a delegate?

8 11561

About multi level and multiple inheritance how to achieve in .net ?

2 10733

the selected inf of other combobox?How do you achieve it?

1 3632

What is the Main difference between String and StringBuilder and why do we use StringBuilder.

15 62014

Why we can't create the object of abstract class ?

15 39666

In c#.Net Application For DataGridview binding which method is faster in below two case?Why..? 1)looping-Using For loop 2)Databinding direct using Dataset

4 7482

What is the partial class in C# What is the use of partial class in C#?

6 10459

what is generics? can u explain 5 to 6 examples on generics that covers class,method,structure,list,delegates?


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CTS C Sharp Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is computerized accounting?


Why is ammonia solution added while preparing edta solution?


What is the difference between CDATA and PCDATA?


What info am I able to read on the rds dashboard?


Establish the difference between a node, cluster & data centres in Cassandra.


What is the difference between view materialized view and view?


I created 3 actions in test suppose I want to run action 1 in single time, action 2 is 4 time what I do?


Tell me the steps involved in demodulating a signal.


What is noise in modulation?


List the steps in which Cassandra writes changed data into commitlog?


What are the performances issue to be in mind when configuring profitability analysis (copa)?


How do you add a number to a macro variable? : sas-macro


What will be the voltage impact on secondary side of two transformers with different vector groups when both voltages are compared.


What is preventive maintenance and key submodules under this?


What is latest version of ios?