What is the Main difference between String and StringBuilder and why do we use StringBuilder.
15 62856In c#.Net Application For DataGridview binding which method is faster in below two case?Why..? 1)looping-Using For loop 2)Databinding direct using Dataset
4 7810what is generics? can u explain 5 to 6 examples on generics that covers class,method,structure,list,delegates?
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Explain what is a product backlog in scrum?
What is an task and how do you assign?
Excel limits and specifications:
In how many ways we can implementg session replication?
How many logical drives is it possible to fit onto a physical disk?
Why css is faster than xpath?
You want to print the contents of an entire array. How would you do that?
Why is it called mongodb?
How long does it take to learn microsoft word?
How would you attach pictures in column headers of List View Control?
Explain why is an excess-3 code is called an unweighted code?
What is Java Shutdown Hook?
mention what is code first approach and model first approach in entity framework?
Is hashset ordered java?
How to use a "corbaloc" object reference with a TAO server?