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CTS VB Script Interview Questions
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How to remove the spaces in a string Ex: "Welcome to QTPWorld" ?

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write a Vb script to find a whther a selected drive exits.

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CTS VB Script Interview Questions

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Sorting is not possible by using which of the methods?


there are two fields if the user populates two field values if we combine those values uniqueness should be maintained, how to achieve this without coding?


What is the dependency of stiffness on load angle??


What do you mean by dental bridges?


How do I remove windows error reporting files?


what is meant by safety upper limit and safety lower limit in all the deltas tell me one by one for time stamp, calender day and numberic pointer?


What is the use of 'Run with elevated Previliages'?


What is meant by call by reference?


What is spring boot application? : Spring Boot


What is meant by web resources and how many types of web resources we have?


Tell me what is more important, product or customer service?


What is a deferred tax asset and what is its purpose?


List out the standard transaction types for sales?


What is an .asp file?


in an online banking software,users are connecting to bankserver by login.This login module can take below inputs for user. a/c number prefix-3 digits but doesnot start with 0&1 a/c number sufix-6 digits number password-5to 10 chars alphanumerics in lowercase areacode-3 digits number but optional purpose- cheque deposit money trasfer mini statement bills pay After filling above fields,user can click submit button to connect to bank server.prepare test scenarios for online banking s/w login.