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CTS Interview Questions
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What are Storage Classes in C ?

32 118295

How do you carry usability testing?

5 17074

Open-Form and Start-Form?

4 18953

what is difference between waterfall model and vmofel?

6 19472

what is test objective?

19 70620

How to insert the data in to the data table from the data base records?

2 7493

Whats a difference between Verification Point and Syncronization point?

6 12849

How can we find size of the object ?

5 12829

To start a transaction how many ways are there and what are they?

12 41359

Which Databases supports for QTP?

3 13482

Differentiate between RAM and ROM?

25 71882

What is the difference between mysql_fetch_array and mysql_fetch_object?

4 12735

Why is Socket used?

3 12416

Does Microsoft Corporation, Sun Microsystems possesing any maturity levels?if yes, what is that level?

1 5547

How do u find Synchronization problems manually?

3 10519

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Un-Answered Questions

How is a null pointer different from a dangling pointer?


What is command line argument in java?


how you will find an error which is not in the first page of the subfile without using rolldown key?


If a data Node is full how it's identified?


What makes Tableau code stand out?


How Can I Get A Copy Of A Bankruptcy Filing?


How to calculate multiplication factor in kva example 500kva ans pls ?


Define cut-off rate?


as a technical developer in oracle applications which type errors feced in your experience sofar


strength vs shape factor


How does Deep Learning differ from Machine Learning?


hi friends, dis is ramana reddy.i have been workining in bulk drugs as QC chemist.i would like 2 change d company.but our company didn't give d OFFER LETTER,APPOINTMENT LETTER,PAY SLIP.if any body has these documents along with sample RESUME,pls send 2 my mail id i.e


Why is ammonia-ammonium chloride buffer added?


What is the structure of the http response


What is a demultiplexer?