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CTS VSAM Interview Questions
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what's the biggest disadvantage of using a VSAM dataset?

8 17829

Can we copy a sequential file to a VSAM file ? If yes, What will happen of the size of the sequential file is bigger than that of the VSAM file?

3 35462

How to declare the EMP Name, EMP No., DOB in VSAM KSDS file? Please explain.....

3 8984

What is the use of VSAM files? How to read this ?

3 8319

What is an RBA in rrds? What does it do? What is it used for?

5 9927

write a program to read from a VSAM file , there will be a 5 records to create name. empno. resignation and address to update in a db2 table and call another program using dynamic call to find the matching fields in program 1 to update in db2 table. anybody pls send de program for dis ? thanks in advance...


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CTS VSAM Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Explain where do you specify the license host details when you setup the clearcase for the first time?


What is the history of apache mahout? When did it start?


How do you read a directory using node.js?


How do you deal with variances? : co- cost center accounting


What do you think holds the testers back to do automation? Is there a way to overcome it?


Describe JMX?


What are the different types of transactions tibco provides?


What is difference between exchange and outlook?


What are different kinds of reports? : salesforce admin


What are the string methods?


What does java awt stand for?


If you have a dataset that contains 100 variables, but you need only five of those, what is the code to force SAS to use only those variables?


What the difference between pilot and beta testing is?


What is polymorphism & list its types in c++?


What are the Pipes?