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CTS Core Java Interview Questions
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How can we find size of the object ?

5 12953

What is Remote Interface ?

6 11471

Difference between abstract class and Interfaces?

7 14727

int a=1; float b=1.0; System.out.println(a==b);

13 27738

explain System.out.println

107 184999

what are depricated methods in threads and explain the lifecycle methods

5 11622

Why we need to serialize the object

11 37399

who was the founder of java

32 50046

whats is inheritance?

15 16366

what is the replacement for GOTO in java?

2 12274

how can we synchronize Hash map?

3 10991

What is compile time polymorphism?

20 34923

How the threads are synchronized?

2 5202

Iterator in the HashMap is fail-safe means what?

9 34773

what are the oops concept in java explain with real time examples

24 194480

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CTS Core Java Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Is coding essential for Blue Prism?


What is ami and how to create an aws ami?


Explain the service container?


Which database is used by google?


If the programmer wishes to execute an instruction at the specified time. Which command is used?


How to change the url on a webpage using selenium web driver?


What are the main services that are provided by Cloud Computing?


Is the Access Engine and Visual Basic Pro good enough for database work?


How do you destroy a hard drive?


How many ways can a variable be initialized into in C++?


Why the transition metal ions or compounds exhibit color?


How do you trim spaces in excel?


What is the shortcut key of powerpoint?


why do you want to do job in sbi bank?


Dear, any body give me MIS repor - excel sheet format for share trading purpose.