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CTS Business Objects Interview Questions
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what is aggregate navigation?

3 25496

how do u implement dense rank in a report?

1 3692

what is maximum scope of analysis --> can we define more than 3 levels?

2 9350

how do u implement dense rank in bo reports?

2 23380

What is the use of Surrogate Key in BO?

2 8681

why do we use crystal reports rather than webintelligence reports ?

7 15520

what is the difference btween olap and oltp?

6 16023

Instead of cms which server you have to use?

2 6205

can i use stored procedure in webi?

4 16066

1.what is the functionality of "Event Server" in BOXIR2? 2.what happen if RAS server is down in BOXIR2

3 6964

what is the difference between input file repository server and output file repository server ?

2 21653

What are the major problems will occur while migrating to the one version to another version?

2 6146

What is the @script and @variable functions in the universe designer ? can anybody explain me in a simple way?

2 15700

Post New CTS Business Objects Interview Questions

CTS Business Objects Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is atomic in objective c?


what is plc and how many type used plc in industrial field.


What is the earth treantment procedure?


How do you calculate the power of a centrifugal pump?


Hi Gurus, Kindly give few practical examples in GAP analysis where we cannot map into SAP from legacy system.


What is the complete procedure of erection of electrical panel in industry


What is the default model of the form?


How cdma is different from gsm?


have 3 tables table1, table2 and table3 which contains employee information. table1 is master table, table2 contains emp details like emp no and so on, table 3 contains emp salary. so if any emp leave company between 25th - 30th of every month it has to get updated in tables. but it is not getting updated. What is the reason.


Can a sealed class be used as a base class?


How do you clear a list in java?


what is difference between WEP & WPA-PSK


Explain the advantages of wpf?


Is html coding?


What is ojdbc14 jar?