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CTS Ab Initio Interview Questions
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How Does MAXCORE works?

4 18283

I had 10,000 records r there i loded today 4000 records, i need load to 4001 - 10,000 next day how is in Type 1 and how is it on type 2?

5 17689

how to prepare scd2 in abinitio

1 18761

. What is dynamic lookup ?

1 11412

How to connect mainframe to Abinitio?

1 6430

How to migrate the code FROM development to QA and QA to production?

1 7922

difference between paramaters inputparameters,Local parameters, Formal parameters, Sand box parameters,Project parameters and export parameter?


How to move data from developement to testing and testing to production?

1 13639

Hi friends, I have 100 records in my input file, if i run first,the first 10 records are stored into the output and if i run second time next 10 records stored into the output file like that please let me know the answer Thanks, krishna

5 23386

Hi friends, what are the new features in abinito3.0?


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CTS Ab Initio Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is parallel ssh?


What is general hibernate flow using RDBMS?


What do you understand by sap fiori?


Tell me the latest versions in java related areas?


Have you used spin-off shapes in your application, if so what is the case?


Which will have more strain energy 1.Spring 2.Circular disc 3.Solid square plate.


Are parent constructors called implicitly inside a class constructor?


What is the use of viewbag in mvc?


How do I get excel to open in separate windows?


Did QTP prove efficient for your project? Yes or No, explain?


Explain planck’s hypothesis or what the postulates of planck’s quantum theory? (Or) what are the assumptions of quantum theory of black body radiation? : quantum physics


What is a pre-defined event and user-defined event?


What are the types of relation?


what is a jcl?


What is an example of form?