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CTS C Interview Questions
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What are Storage Classes in C ?

32 116686

what is the difference between const char *p, char const *p, const char* const p

5 48942

which of the function operator cannot be over loaded a) <= b)?: c)== d)*

10 37605

Main must be written as a.the first function in the program b.Second function in the program c.Last function in the program d.any where in the program

19 29985

what is the different between if-else and switch statment (other than syntax)

26 73820

how many header file is in C language ?

44 70796

program to find the second largest word in a paragraph amongst all words that repeat more thn twice

4 12749

how many argument we can pas in in a function

25 26994

palindrome for strings and numbers----Can anybody do the prog?

6 12002

How to calculate Total working time using Login and logout?

2 10454

what is difference between array and structure?

44 128612

15.what is the disadvantage of using macros? 16.what is the self-referential structure? 17.can a union be self-referenced? 18.What is a pointer? 19.What is the Lvalue and Rvalue? 20.what is the difference between these initializations? 21.Char a[]=”string”; 22.Char *p=”literal”; 23.Does *p++ increment p, or what it points to?

2 10537

can anyone please tell me wat is backlogs... i was looking for the job openings where i read this.. eligibility criteria minimum 70% in degree without backlogs. is that arrear.. if so is it standing arrear or history of arrears... please help me...

11 63061

how to find sum of digits in C?

21 31392

What is the difference between null pointer and void pointer

10 44922

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CTS C Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Which type does string inherit from?


1.How much batten required for 1 sqm Shuttering. much pipe & clamps required for staging of 100 sqm shuttering at 5.0 m height.


What is the requirement of virtualization platforms in implementing cloud?


What is the aim of Value Engineering?


Define JSP Scriptlet.


What is php's mysqli extension?


purchase car from toyota innova 50000 cheque from one firm and 449893 from other firm.... and 1350000 loan saction from kotak can entry make with interest


What are the functions of excel spreadsheet?


How do we import testcases written in excel to test director?


when ac current flows thru d coil of a contactr,it energizes,magnetic field attracts d contact of the coil...nw wont dt ac current in d contct induce current back on to d coil thru mutual inductance leading to high currnt in d coil


give a brief description about yourself..


Explain raise_application_error.


What is your opinion on the unsolicited customer calls that are done to customers?


Explain laravel’s middleware?


What is the use of java swing?