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CTS Manual Testing Interview Questions
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contents of test plan

12 53413

wat is test deliverables

5 14105

why feature not to be tested in test plan

4 13824

wat is build duration

1 5386

wat is test scenario

4 8747

write high level test cases

5 25095

contents of test report

3 13782

how to maintain review reports


diff between smoke testing and sanity testing

11 14926

u r rating for lateral thinking,i said 6.nad the question is if an object is there it should take only positive values but it is also allowing negative values what is u r responce?

2 5418

What is the difference between Retesting and Data Driven Testing?

8 22648

what are the differnt error code that comes when an error occured in web application?

1 3006

What is Tracebility Matrix ? What is there in that and what will u do with that ?

15 17626

what is thetesting methodology that u r company folowing??

9 10161

can testing and development be done in same environment?

4 8592

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CTS Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is anonymous functions?


How many null values we can have in a unique key field in sql server?


What is joomla and wordpress?


Will I Have To Go To Court?


Explain the term entity set in dbms?


Explain wear resistance of titanium?


Explain cpan?


What is the angle of repose?


What is the difference between splunk app and splunk add on?


why we need to us lenz's law for synchornous motor


What do you understand by proactive, retroactive and simultaneous update?


What is socket file in linux?


How Can You Enhance The Crawling Frequency By Search Engines For Your Website?


How to connect a database with sql express.?


Explain three-tier connection?