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CTS Manual Testing Interview Questions
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I have cleared written test and one Technical round in one company? now i have to face an Client Round through telephony? Any body have faced client round, how will it be , wil they ask technical or is it only formality round? im nervous, plz let me know wat all they may ask? i have this round on monday?


Are monkey testing & gorilla testing same? If not, then what is the difference between these two?

29 48739

What are the points to be considered while testing an application on different browsers like firefox, opera, mozilla, ie etc. on both windows & linux ??

4 7601

Test cases for google home page, yahoo signin page, elavator, traffic signals. And can anybody post the some other testcase(on like pen,keyboard....) as interview point of view.

4 18445

what are the prerequisite conditins to test clientserver and web applications


What did you achieve being a tester

3 6698

could you sent me boundary value analysis sample test cases

3 9996

how to retrive only second row from table?

3 6662

what r the test cases of SMOKE,FUNCTIONALITY,REGRESSION for LOGIN PAGE. how do u check it

2 7906

in SDLC where Exactly testing peoples r inveloved ? plz reail timers only.........(Usha)

8 9653

if my documaents (SRS &FRS) having earros(does not meets) the requirements in that sitchuvation,which document i should take to write the testcases?(othere wise which steps i should take?(Usha)

6 9027

How u write the test cases after studing the RSD and FSD

2 16951

Tell me about any quality efforts you have overseen or implemented. Describe some of the challenges you faced and how you overcame them.

1 8093

what is the diff b/n test plan and test strategy

3 7772

Hi, this is sekhar yadav, who is given the seviarity and who is given the priarity

8 9238

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CTS Manual Testing Interview Questions

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How REF protects transformer alone? explain with diagram.


How to assign a tablespace to a users in oracle?


What is a wordpress based website?


Are strings immutable in java?


what is commisioning procedure,2)what is is the main work in commisioning in the field tx to dcs, plz send me detail


What factors are involved in determining the electrophoretic mobility of a molecule?


how does sas handle missing values in formats? : Sas programming


write a program that reads in a file and counts the number of lines, words, and characters. Your program should ask the user to input a filename. Open the file and report an error if the file does not exist or cannot be opened for some other reason. Then read in the contents of the file and count the number of lines, words, and characters in the file. Also print additional information about the file, such as the longest and shortest words, and longest and shortest lines. For simplicity, we define a word to be one or more characters ending with white space (a space, tab, carriage return, etc.). Functions for checking the types of characters can be found in the ctype.h header file, so you want to include this header file in your program. For example, the sentence below could be all that is in a file. This sentence IT 104 is taught in C++. has 32 characters, one line, and six words. The shortest line is 32 characters. The longest line is 32 characters. The shortest word is 2 characters. The longest word is 6 characters


What is the integration between marketing and erp?


differentiate built-in functions and user – defined functions.


What square measure the options of apache mahout?


What are many-to-numerous connections and how might they be tended to in Power BI ?


What are the core components of Apache Hadoop?


Explain how can you overload a method?


What are extended events in sql server?