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Accenture SAP ABAP Interview Questions
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What is syntax to upload a logo in script ?

4 10070

How do u know that updation is successful in BDC

2 7888

How do u know that updation is successful in BDC

3 8161

What is a view?

5 7020

What is the significance of main window in a page, what are the types of the window?

3 5784

What is the difference between value table and check table?

4 10043

what is BDCDATA structure?

4 15882

Can we add a field to the sap standard screen? If so, how?

3 11768

Whether Project contains enhancement or Enhancement contains Projects?

2 6438

1.In report, we should have to write events in sequential order or not,if we write events insequential then what will be the drawback and if we will sequential what will be the advantage. 2.what is the fucnction of end-of-selection even? if we would not write this event in report what will happen? event will trigger before the initialization,and at selection-screen event or after these two event.

4 12547

1.Can we see the output without print program in sap script,and can we fetch the data without printprogram?if yes how,pls reply in details. 2.What is table control in BDC? how can we handled in bdc? pls reply in details

1 6564

1.Which of the following is not an EXIT command? options: BACK, CANCEL, STOP, EXIT? 2.To write certain contents in sap script without skipping to the next page, which command is used? Options: ADDRESS...ENDADDRESS, PROTECT...ENDPROTECT, AT...ENDAT 3. When using a table control in module pool, which statement has to present in both PAI and PBO. options : FIELD, LOOP..ENDLOOP, CHAIN...ENDCHAIN 4. Lock objects are : options : FUNCTION MODULES, PROGRAMS, TABLES

4 10123

Which of the following assigns work to the application server? Options ::Dispatcher, work process, roll area

4 6537

Internal table itab contains some records. If the code is like this : LOOP AT ITAB. APPEND ITAB. ENDLOOP. What ill be the result??

3 6710

What is the system field that stores the level of the list?

3 7217

Post New Accenture SAP ABAP Interview Questions

Accenture SAP ABAP Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the meaning of ctr and how you can calculate?


What are the indices of postgresql?


Explain attribute?


Which tool should use for Silverlight – Expression Studio or Visual Studio?


How to use find() and findall () in yii2?


What is difference between line feed ( ) and carriage return ( )?


How to draw using LoEnglish Mapping Modes?


Explain inputs?


What is bi launchpad? : sap bobi


What is tomcat home?


what is the max. area can we apply the plate load test ?


Does django use jinja?


What is the map interface in java programming?


They asked by using qtp recording writing scripting


In a container there are 5 components. I want to display all the component names, how will you do that?