a.One Cannot Take the address of a Bit Field b.bit fields cannot be arrayed c.Bit-Fields are machine Dependant d.Bit-fields cannot be declared as static Which of the Following Statements are true w.r.t Bit-Fields A)a,b&c B)Only a & b C)Only c D)All
3 9363What is the function of ceil(X) defined in math.h do? A)It returns the value rounded down to the next lower integer B)it returns the value rounded up to the next higher integer C)the Next Higher Value D)the next lower value
3 9249When do you say that a digraph is acyclic A)if and only if its first search does not have back arcs B)a digraph is acyclic if and only if its first search does not have back vertices C)if and only if its first search does not have same dfnumber D)None of these
1 5018A function 'q' that accepts a pointer to a character as argument and returns a pointer to an array of integer can be declared as: A)int (*q(char*)) [] B)int *q(char*) [] C)int(*q)(char*) [] D)None of the Above
2 6366What kind of sorting is this?
SORT (k,n)
1.[Loop on I Index]
repeat thru step2 for i=1,2,........n-1
2.[For each pass,get small value]
repeat for j=i+1 to N do
if K[j]
Which of the Following is not defined in string.h? A)strspn() B)strerror() C)memchr() D)strod()
2 8735Identify the correct argument for the function call fflush () in ANSI C: A)stdout B)stdin C)stderr D)All the above
5 22924Which of the Following will define a type NODE that is a node in a Linked list? A)struct node {NODE*next;int x;};type def struct node NODE; B)typedef struct NODE {struct NODE *next;int x;}; C)typedef struct NODE {NODE *next;int x;}; D)typedef struct {NODE *next;int x;}NODE;
5 10474Which of these statements are false w.r.t File Functions? i)fputs() ii)fdopen() iii)fgetpos() iv)ferror() A)ii B)i,ii C)iii D)iv
6 10296Study the code: void show() main() { show(); } void show (char *s) { printf("%sn",s); } What will happen if it is compiled & run on an ANSI C Compiler? A)It will compile & nothing will be printed when it is executed B)it will compile but not link C)the compiler will generate an error D)the compiler will generate a warning
4 6436Look at the Code:
Post New Accenture C Interview Questions
Explain overloading. Can functions be overloaded?
List the merits of index covering.
Which graph we will use for two years difference sale?
Explain the main features of ms excel?
Which account is created on linux installation?
You are a project manager working on contract with a company in a foreign country. At the project kick-off meeting, you are given an expensive-looking gift. The person who presented this to you said that it is customary in their country to give their business partners gifts. What is the most appropriate response? A. Thank them and decline. Explain that this is considered personal gain, which is unacceptable in your country. B. Thank them and accept. You don't believe there is a conflict of interest or an integrity issue at stake. C. Thank them and decline. Explain that this is considered a conflict of interest, which is unacceptable in your country. D. Thank them and accept since you know that it would be considered offensive to decline the gift in their culture. Immediately report the acceptance of the gift to the appropriate parties at your company so that your actions are not called into question later.
What is the difference between $scope and scope in angularjs?
How can a gui component handle its own events?
Which describes the perceptual color conversion option in the color conversion settings?
How unix is used?
What is your psychology of selling?
How do I install operating system?
What are jsp elements?
Does apache have any limits when it comes to url aliasing and rewriting?
Will you be willing to travel if the work demands so?