is it possible to revise purchase requisition / internal requisition? please describe the steps
4 11420Diff b/w Discrete mfg and Process manfactureing? If anyone have the detailed steps on this topic, please forward to me
1 6126If customer is makes advance payment against to any SO, how to apply the amount while raising sales order in SO Form?
1 5266Is it possible to change the wearhouse after booking the Sales order, If Yes how to de allocate the items booked in previous wearehouse?
1 8553Post New Accenture Oracle Apps SCM Interview Questions
how to change numbering in SAP script i.e. i have 1245.00 now i want to specify in word in script i.e. one thoushand and fourty five rupees.
What is data and data types?
Mention what is the default url pattern used in codeigniter framework?
What is angular singleton service?
What is the shortcut to insert an equation in word?
What is a static class in java?
Where is drop cap in word?
Where is activex control in internet explorer?
Is it possible to determine header tasks automatically at save without selecting the save + determine tasks button?
How do you round the addition or subtraction of two numbers in assembler?
Explain about xml databases?
Is brass magnetic?
What are the main differences between #temp tables and @table variables and which one is preferred?
Draw the states of a process in an OS.
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