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Accenture SAS Interview Questions
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what is the SAS/ACCESS and SAS/CONNECT?

9 32309

What SAS statements would you code to read an external raw data file to a DATA step?

6 10966

How do you read in the variables that you need?

9 22145

Are you familiar with special input delimiters? How are they used?

4 14383

If reading a variable length file with fixed input, how would you prevent SAS from reading the next record if the last variable didn’t have a value?

3 11831

What is the difference between an informat and a format? Name three informats or formats.

13 26870

Name and describe three SAS functions that you have used, if any?

4 15043

How would you code the criteria to restrict the output to be produced?

6 11689

What is the purpose of the trailing @? The @@? How would you use them?

10 45526

Under what circumstances would you code a SELECT construct instead of IF statements?

7 13036

What statement do you code to tell SAS that it is to write to an external file? What statement do you code to write the record to the file?

2 9272

If reading an external file to produce an external file, what is the shortcut to write that record without coding every single variable on the record?

7 21623

If you’re not wanting any SAS output from a data step, how would you code the data statement to prevent SAS from producing a set?

8 18791

What is the one statement to set the criteria of data that can be coded in any step?

4 9558

Have you ever linked SAS code? If so, describe the link and any required statements used to either process the code or the step itself.

2 8652

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Accenture SAS Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Describe the differences between vertical and horizontal portioning.


What is failover clustering overview?


What is gridview c#?


Why do heavy vehicles use diesel engine?


If a system has 128 mb ram and 1 gb hard disk, and a process decides to use its fully allotted virtual memory 2^32 - 2gb = 2 gb, how is it practically possible?. But this works in all machines. How?


What is the use of string function asorti(string,[d])?


How will flex 3 be packaged?


Explain the aggregator transformation?


How do I distribute table rows evenly in word?


What is csrf in java?


Is an exe a binary file?


What is a commodity hardware? Does commodity hardware include RAM?


Which layer is used to detect and correct errors


What are the four types of javascript objects?


Mention how you can inspect the source code of a function?