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Accenture Solaris Commands Interview Questions
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how to set the hostname or username at commamd promt ? where to set password length,max and min ?

3 8224

what is 2 in uadmin 2 0 command in solaris

2 9226

how can system identify run level at boot time?

5 8502

What are the options available in Solaris Security setting.?

1 3886

Post New Accenture Solaris Commands Interview Questions

Accenture Solaris Commands Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is motor sequence learning?


What is Segment Advisor in Oracle?


Difference between cold fusion mx 6 and cold fusion mx 7?


What is context root?


What is the difference between OLEDB Provider and SqlClient?


A milk carton can hold 3.78 litres of milk. Each morning, a dairy farm ships cartons of milk to a local grocery store. The cost of producing one litre of milk is $0.38, and the profit of each carton of milk is $0.27. Write a java program that prompts the user to enter the total amount of milk produced in the morning. Then display the number of milk cartons needed to hold milk, the cost of producing milk, and the profit for producing milk.


Name the different type of processing based on the steps that you know about?


What is Wi-Fi Protocol for an Internet of Things (IoT)?


What will you do in the situation: If you give loan to someone and the person ran, what will you do? How will you recover the loan amount?


What are the different layers in R/3 system?


What is database optimization?


What is difference between foreign key and unique key?


Explain the bit format of flag register in 8086.


What are all the companies are doing manual testing till now ?


What are the different elements of state?