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Accenture COBOL Interview Questions
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How do you do in-line PERFORM?

4 16097

What is the difference between performing a SECTION and a PARAGRAPH?

5 31423

How is sign stored in a COMP field ?

3 22396

What is an in-line perform ?

4 13520

Consider the following: 77 W-NUM PIC 9 VALUE 0 ------ MOVE 1 TO W-NUM PERFORM PARA-X UNTIL W-NUM > 9. ------ PARA-X ADD 1 TO W-NUM How many times PARA-X is executed ?

14 20100

How to read records from flat file in reverse order through COBOL program?

14 68484

can we print comp 3 stmts how ?

3 12219

How to replace the GOTO statement in COBOL without changing the structure of program. e.g. consider following code... I.D. E.D. D.D. P.D. compute C = A + B. GOTO para 100-display. compute D = C - D. GOTO 200-display. some other logic...... ........ GOTO 300-para. ...... ...... GOTO 400-para. Now I want to replacce all GOTO statements without changing the structure and otput of program.

6 20903

I have program P1 which calls file F1 which has 100 records and following structure 001 .................. 002 .................. 003 .................. 098 .................... 099 ................... 100 .................... Now I want to read these files and write these records in file F2 in following manner. 001 ...... 051 ..... 002 ...... 052 ..... 003 ...... 053 ..... .......... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... 048 ........ 098 ...... 049 .......... 099 ....... 050 .... 100 ......

4 10800

Why we need to use redefine clause when we can define the variable seperately... what is actual need....

5 13039

what is soc7 abend?how u can trace it?

4 12646



If by mistake we MOVE a working storage variable into LINKAGE area. What will happen??

4 19067

Why do we use COMP-3 variables for computation, when we know that they are non displayable fields and require additional MOVE to numeric field before we populate it in output Reports?

1 5875

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Accenture COBOL Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

in what form is crr kept in RBI?


what are the uses of economically important plants?


How are free energy, equilibrium and spontaneity related to each other?


How does predicate work in java?


Who should read search engine visibility?


Which method grants a lock on a resource?


How do I get my personal folders back in outlook?


Why enumeration is faster than iterator?


Should I bid on competitor’s brand names?


Explain the applications of stack?


Why is the use of exit do or exit for statements within loops discouraged?


How to crop an image in photoshop?


A code which had some declarations of some data items. There were a couple of normal data items(char,int..) and some pointers as well and a malloc call. You have to find the total memory taken up in the stack(Hint:Pointers and all are allocated in heap, not in stack, so dont count them).Also in most of these questions, they were specifying that the OS was 32 bit


How many module come in Ibm framework?


Data Control missing from toolbox when I use VB under NT3.5. Why?