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Accenture Data Stage Interview Questions
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Hi All, Could you please let me know whether Datastage server and px supports oredb? OREDB:It's a Oracle Retail Embedded Database.Previousely It was called as Acumate data base. It's a multidimensional database. Please help me on this issue ASAP. Thanks in advance Ashok

1 7254

what is Audit table?Have u use audit table in ur project?

3 22115

How can you find out whether datastage process is running or not in unix?

3 23947

when will you go for dataset and fileset?

2 13837

how can i abort the job if i get more than 100 errors in job log?

6 22720

wt is the diff b/w odbc and oracle stage

2 18919

1.i have 5 jobs(1-5),i connect with each other,i want run from 3-5 only how? to schedual the job in datastage7.5 2? what is the deff bet grip and fgrep command? how do you cleanse the data in your project

1 3716

how can i get 2nd highest salary in datastage?can u send me ,thanQ 2)if i had source has 2 records 1st record ie 1st column contains 1,2,3 and 2nd coulmn contains 10,10,10 i have to get target as 2nd columns as 20,30,40 how can i?

3 22172

what is the custome stage in datastage? how can we impliment that one? plz tell me


what is meant by port ? what is the use of port ? what are the different type of ports and its usage

2 8030

Explain the scenarios where sequential file stage runs in parallel?

3 14284

I have the following columns in the EMP table Empid,Empname,Sal,month(Sal),year(Sal) and DOB(let us say the dob is 15th-Jan-1981) Desing a job such that the output contains the following empname,year(sal),tot(sal) and current age i.e. whether 18yrs or so on

1 5935

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Accenture Data Stage Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How to get image width height in angular js, before uploading a file?


Is there a switch or case statement in python?


Explain how do motion detectors work?


how to work with the data mining algorithms included in sql server data mining?


How do you remove an element from an arraylist in java?


Describe the .net framework architecture.


What is blogs?


What is Base Rate?


hi if anybody got model questions for cpcl Grade'A' electrical engineer position.send it to my mail please


how to merge shapes in powerpoint 2013?


What are the different scope values for the tag?


How do you execute a thread in java?


Describe and distinguish between FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA.


How to run django in pycharm?


What is the limitation for loan from pvt ltd company to other sole proprietor company suppose 25 lakhs given. what is the rule at the time of income tax point of view. Please clarify anybody....