Can we do qtp testing without creating objects in Dbject repository? can we do it completely writing code i.e in expert view only. Are there any books for this?
7 14075how u conduct GUI testing and PERFORMANCE testing on MS- WORD? and What r the GUI Test Cases and performance Test Cases?
3 10626how do u retrieve data from a database ? i.e. i want to retrieve 2nd record only from a database ? write code for this. by using ADODB connecton, RSOBJ and using a FOR loop we can retrieve all the records( ex: if we give query as select * from emp). but i want only 2nd record. so how to acheive this.
2 7395Can anybody give the code for ALL DATATABLE METHODS)(ex: datatable.getrowcount, datatable.getsheet etc....) and ALL DATABASE COMMANDS (like .getcelldata, which are used to retrieve data from a database and from a webtable)with examples.
1 4914When u r running a script , if u get a popup window that describing that u have received a mail to your outlook application. so to avoid the interference of the popup window , which recovery scenario(popup,object state,application hang,system crash) would u use ?
4 10832Where is the resultset of a sqlquery (which is fired by sqlquery,xxxx,xxxx) stored ?
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Kindly define necessary ledger is to maintain in excise. Kindly define how we maintain P.L.A
Does visual studio code have a compiler?
What are exceptiondetail() and exceptiontype()?
How does dao work? : Spring Boot
What is the difference between on demand and reserved instances?
Which complex scenario do you automated and what is the savings realized in terms of fte as well as cost?
How can you link customer and vendor master records and what is the purpose of doing so?
How to Calculate The sag of OPGW in Transmission Line???
Explain the different types of data perl can handle.
What is node xml?