we have two tables emp,dept.emp has eno,ename,sal and dept has deptno,dname.how to find maxsal of each dept wise.which join used for joining.
5 14828What EXPLAIN does in Teradata, what is High confidence, Low confidence and No confidence.. And How we improve the query performance .
5 32488Post New Accenture Teradata Interview Questions
How many levels of sp nesting is possible?
What diagnostic tests and procedures are commonly used to assess kidney function and diagnose kidney diseases?
Define metallic fibers?
Define Declaration block?
What are outlier values and how do you treat them?
Explain url helper?
explain in detail about life cycle of thread
What is a condition type? What are the two main groups of condition types?
What is virtual table?
Explain how cassandra delete data?
How to delete a row in angular js?
When singleton beans are created in spring?
What are header files? What are their uses?
Are threads cores?
What are the limitations of the Pig?