we have two tables emp,dept.emp has eno,ename,sal and dept has deptno,dname.how to find maxsal of each dept wise.which join used for joining.
5 15375What EXPLAIN does in Teradata, what is High confidence, Low confidence and No confidence.. And How we improve the query performance .
5 32955Post New Accenture Teradata Interview Questions
what are Appenders in Log4j?
How will you define base class?
What are the trigger best practices?
What are key features of python?
What things you need to take care of before building a kitchen island?
Is there a windows 7 service pack 2?
Is java call by value?
Explain identity in sql server?
What are expectations for yourself and what do you expect of others?
What database does spark use?
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What are primary mediators?
What are the different properties of server control that exists?
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How would you detect a keypress in a jcombobox?