If you are calling three SPs from a window application how do u check for the performance of the SPS ?
1 10761Post New Accenture Dot Net WindowsForms Interview Questions
What is base band frequency hopping in gsm technology?
What is the use of ‘???’ in Scala-based Applications?
What is a void method?
Difference between Transfer orders vs item reclass journal?
if we want to use a gdg which is already created by some job, then how to use the reference of the last generation in a jcl?
How do you configure check deposit?
what are the parameters are selected while manufacturing a single cylinder block?what are the different kind of test is conducted on it so that it can withstand with all those condition which required to run the engine efficiently.which force is act when piston slide inside the cylinder.
List some use cases where classification machine learning algorithms can be used.
How will you register service providers?
What is the purpose of dispatcher result type?
What are the mathematical functions?
Inline the values in PL/SQL, what does it mean.?
How do I open windows error reporting?
What are commit, rollback, and savepoint?