IN MY APPLICATION SOME WINDOW IS THERE IT CONSISTS OF SOME 25 LABLES IN THOSE FOR THE ALREADY SELECTED ONE IT WILL SHOW THE BACKGROUND COLOR IS YELLOW WHILE CHECKING IT SHOULD CHECK THE ALL LABLES WHICH ONE IS HAVING YELLOW COLOUR backcolor=SwfWindow("ALTAIR").SwfWindow("Load Wafer").SwfLabel(" ").GetROProperty("backcolor") SUPPOSE LIKE DS IT WILL BE THERE THEN FOR THAT SwfLabel(" ") inside this how to specify is my doubt because i have to check all the 25 labels plz explain it how to specify that
2110build 1 bug is raised and it was closed by developer and build 2 is released in build 2 also same bug raised what is the satus of that bug. 1>reopen 2>open 3>new 4>defered
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