Post New Accenture Oracle Apps Manufacturing Interview Questions
Why are views required in the sql server or in any other database?
Physics short answer to two significant figures, what is the index of refraction of air?
Explain me how to include a file to a php page?
How can I read in an object file and jump to locations in it?
Hello all, This is my assignment on shell scripting, can anyone help me regarding this ? Create a shell script which connects to the database In second shell script include the first script for the DB connection Create a table (PRADEEP_DATA) with 2 columns (name, value) In Third shell script include the first script for the DB connection And insert/delete the values from the Table, by accepting input from the user This functionality should be a menu driven Program: 1) Insert to the database a. Name b. value 2)Delete from the database a.Name b.value Exception handling needs to be taken care.
Describe in brief databases and sql server databases architecture.
What is the difference between cursor stability and repeatable read isolation levels?
Which swing methods are thread-safe?
Why $scope is used in angularjs?
How can I call system when parameters (filenames, etc.) Of the executed command arent known until run time?
Enlist the advantages of using c over perl?
Suppose in an applet we have a button when we click on that button we need to get an business service. How we are going to do it?
Explain how do I find an smtp mail address in active directory if active directory users and computers tells me it is in use when I try to create a new user
Can a protein act as a buffer?
Tell me is forms authentication supported?