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Accenture Manual Testing Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is scalability testing

2 9265

what is cyclomatic complexity? plz explain with example

17 70994

What is the difference between the company site and the yahoo site?

6 10657

what is a broken link in web testing and how test it.

11 32585

1. What is the difference between Build Management and Release Management ? 2.When will conduct build verification and end to end testing?

4 30818

what is the difference between pre UAT testing and UAT testing

7 56277

Tell me about the best bug you ever found.

1 8887

How should your staff be managed? How about your overtime?


which test cases are not to be automated

5 11594

how to call a text file

3 7954

what is positive and negative testing explian with example?

11 46049

what is the most critical bug u have to find in ur project.My application is ERP based,in this purchase module is there.plz tell me the answer?


when u r going to faced difficulty in ur organization?

1 5287

plz tell me the V model with complete explanation(not definition)

2 14609

There are no requriments, coding is been developed to the project without srs,brs document how u are going to prepare test case?

3 9159

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Accenture Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

can any one explain briefly about solution manager in sap


can a program use more than one command-line argument?


What do you mean by passive circuit elements and why these are called passive?


What is oak code in ale idocs?


Explain the use the concept of effective sequence


How do you create a custom idoc?


What is filtered index?


Is gmail a web application?


what is core accounting?


How to Log in to the remote datamodule?


How to create table in hbase?


How do we execute python?


What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous updates?


Can we integrate struts with spring?


What Are The Joint Supervisory Teams?