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Cap Gemini Manual Testing Interview Questions
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please give me Live example for 1. high severity & low priority 2. High severity & low Priority 3. low severity & high Priority 4. low sevrity & low Priority

2 22950

What is Change Management?


What is QTP? What is Regression and retest? What is end to end testing? What is Latest QTP version and TD version? TD is test mgmt tool or resource mgmt tool? Why QTP and WR is called mercury interactive tool? Difference between end to end and system testing? Types of Testing performed in your project? What is testing component? What is test script?

2 5882

who prepare test plan?

5 8305

What is Pega Testing ?

5 74968

define sdlc step wise

5 7241

define STLC life cycle step by step

3 6858

define defect lifecycle step by step

8 10936

what is CMM Explain the difference between adhoc and smoke testing explain Bug life cycle Explian STLC What is severity and priority and example of highseverity and low priority

3 8084

what the diff b/w Smoke Testing and Santy Testing?

10 14916

Assume you are handling multiple projects and the scheduled were clashing how would you mange about this

5 8269

what are the -ve test cases for Railway Ticketing System?

1 5906

what is suspension criteria and exit criterai in test plan/????

3 15896

what is non-functional testing? give 2 example..

2 9427

What is V-model and explain

2 5602

Post New Cap Gemini Manual Testing Interview Questions

Cap Gemini Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the molecular formula of phosphorous?


Do sets, dictionaries and tuples also support comprehensions?


Why session is not thread safe in hibernate?


Explain Spark streaming?


How do I move from one form to another in c#?


How to prevent application?s main window from showing when application loads?


What are the different ways to run cgi?


What is acid properties?


what are the dis advantages of pub sub model


How do I delete only certain cells in excel?


what is ramping rate of generator


What is the difference between the string aggregate functions MinString(), MaxString() and FirstValue(), LastValue()?


Are the grain boundaries a continuation of regular lattice structure from one grain to another? Explain.


What are enterprise and workgroup modes?


Explain the microsoft sql server delete command? : SQL Server Architecture