What is the difference between sales area dependent mini templates and sales area independent mini templates?Why are the used ?
4331What as Action? Why we use? What are the conditions we have? What type of actions you have used, for which scenario explain?
1 5626What is activity? Types, customizing settings? How will you change the reasons according to the status?
3313Can you run campaign without products? What are all necessary to run campaign? What settings will you do to send mail from your system?
3278Post New Cap Gemini SAP CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Interview Questions
Explain the difference between basic scheduling and lead time scheduling? : supply chain management
Hi, Mobile manufacturing given a mobile phone as a gift to their employee. What journal entry we need to pass in company point of view.
Compare and contrast the different ways of achieving concurrency in os x and ios.
Do you believe in smart work or hard work?
How to find 3rd highest salary of an employee from the employee table in sql?
what is the diffrence between S7 200 & S7 300 plc
What is ICMP, ARP, Multicast, Broadcast?
Can you fix blue screen of death?
What are advantages of c++?
we are going to install a solar PV site and how can we calculate PV Solar Panel Efficiency, can anybody tell me complete method for its calculation.
How to create atom feed files?
What are the salesforce best practices for apex?
Explain the use of assign statement in progress database?
describe atime when you felt it was necessary to change a staffing pattern to better meet your unit's needs. how did you handle the sutuation?
What is allocation price variance? : co- cost center accounting