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Cap Gemini QTP Interview Questions
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what is qtp automation frame work,what is the use of that frame work?

64 170451

How to watch currnet value of an object like OK buton or edit box with "Agent Name:" label. in watch expression tab?

2 7042

Hi, how can we retrieve a specific value from Excel Sheet (Not datatable. for externel file).i mean to say from .xls file. and also tell me from xml file and .doc file. and how can u parameterize ur script from .xls file.(Not data table).

2 7322

can u write one user defined function for webedit class.

6 17599

I want to do Certification course in QTP. For this I request you to suggest the best Tutorial in PDF format, as i'm not in a possition to afford any 'Fee' to join in any institutions. Hence, if possible, kinldy mail PDF file to my mail-ID: Regards, Chakradhar Yadav.

95 66648

how to retrieve data from the data table (from a particular cell)

7 30516

What is the use of sendkeys.In which cases we Use this sendkey.Pls explain with example.

3 8386

What are the points to be taken into consideration while doing desktop testing?

1 2478

why qtp supports vbscript? and not for others just like cgi,phython,shell,perl,html and all..

4 10892

Which object model ur used in ur project

2 8241

what are the utilities and drivers


Can abody explain me Send keys concept

1 7086

Can u call txt extension file in QTP?

2 8895

How do I generate Test Results window using descriptive method ( run time ) after my test execution process? Please have a look of my below code. ========================================================= Dim qtApp Dim qtTest Dim qtResultsOpt Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") qtApp.Launch qtApp.Visible = True qtApp.Options.Run.CaptureForTestResults = "Always" qtApp.Options.Run.RunMode = "Fast" qtApp.Options.Run.ViewResults = True qtApp.Open "C:\Automation\Example", True Set qtTest = qtApp.Test qtTest.Settings.Run.OnError = "NextStep" Set qtResultsOpt = CreateObject ("QuickTest.RunResultsOptions") qtResultsOpt.ResultsLocation = "C:\Automation\Example\Res1" qtTest.Run qtResultsOpt MsgBox qtTest.LastRunResults.Status qtTest.Close Set qtResultsOpt = Nothing Set qtTest = Nothing Set qtApp = Nothing ========================================================== This code is working fine, but Test Result window is not displaying after execution. Anybody can please help me regading the same. Thanks Akshaya Madali Capgemini India Pvt Ltd 9823213538


Will QTP Support Japanese Language?

3 15677

Post New Cap Gemini QTP Interview Questions

Cap Gemini QTP Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the difference between cookie and session?


What is the difference between python append () and extend () functions?


What is a subtheme?


What is habutae?


Explain is it posible to access more than one database at a single siebel application?


Can you tell me limit of character used for PPC Ads ?


What is an interrupt?


Tell me is jquery a library for client scripting or server scripting? : jquery mobile


What are entities and how to you create ?


I am selected interview for computer sc.please give me some information how many types question asked in id is


What is the purpose of $_error variable ?


What is style property inheritance in css?


What does law of mass action states?


Where the QTEMP library will get created? if the the answer is QSYS, then howcome more than one job can create same library name(QTEMP) in QSYS? what is the uniqueness of QTEMP? For example, run the below command in different workstation WRKOBJ QSYS/QTEMP And take 8 in the option to check the description. both will have different info. so where(which LIB) exactly the QTEMP is stored?


what is elligibility criteria of hcl?