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Cap Gemini Oracle Apps SCM Interview Questions
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What is the different between 11i and R12 in oracle ?

12 34083

We have 2 check boxes Purchase and purchasable in Purchase tab for Master Item attributes. What is the difference between them, and why can't we use make or buy if some one answers as we are purchasing from supplier we say purchasable....

3 26135

Can you delete the Item from item masters ? How ? What are the pre-requisites to delete ???

2 19671

What are the version controllers?

1 5519

Can one ‘operating unit’ user see the sales order of other operating? How can we achieve this?

3 10846

If owner wants to self approve then what the set-ups required?

2 11874

Post New Cap Gemini Oracle Apps SCM Interview Questions

Cap Gemini Oracle Apps SCM Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Can you explain polymorphism?


whats personnel manager job market?


In order to derive the torsional formulas what are the assumptions taken?


Should I turn off windows defender with avast?


Mention what is desired capability? How is it useful in terms of selenium?


You want to generate a report that is formatted as a chart. Can you use the report wizard to create such a report?


What is a view controller in ios?


What is a bloom filter?


What is module in project?


What are the differences between $resource and $http?


What is the difference between dispose() and finalize()?


What is the dom browser extension?


Explain pick applet, dynamic picklist: which will be better if performance issue is considered?


Explain the difference between instance store and ebs?


What will be the impact on motor performance if a LT motor is rewound with changed motor winding data as given below:- Original winding data: total 04 wires = 02 wires of 17 SWG + 02 wires of 16.5 SWG. Changed Winding data: total 03 wires of 15.5 SWG wire size Motor rating: 160KW, 740RPM, 415V, ID FAN application. Normal Running Current = 95% of FL Current.