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Cap Gemini SAP BO BOBJ (Business Objects) Interview Questions
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i created a universe in personal and i saved the document. however when i export the document it's says personal drive cannot export. i want to change it to secured. kindly suggest how to resolve it.

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Post New Cap Gemini SAP BO BOBJ (Business Objects) Interview Questions

Cap Gemini SAP BO BOBJ (Business Objects) Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How does combination of functions reduce memory reuirement in embedded system?


Differentiate yarn count from fabric count.


What is apostrophe in excel?


difference between compute and mapping node?


What are the types of validation?


Which object manage the presentation of app's content on the screen?


what is the test plan for ms-word


What is financial inclusion?


What are the various kind of cables used for transmission?


What is White Hat Seo? And how many techniques used in it?


What are different types of roles provided by ssrs?


Explain what is drupal weight?


Explain the difference between HTTP and HTTPS in database?


Who invented hadoop?


rank() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid order by case when opt2.dm_market_flg in ('Y', 'U') then 1 else 2 end, lkp.contact_rank) as rank1, case opt2.contact_type when 'Buyer' then row_number() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid, lkp.contact_rank order by has_name_flg desc, ship_to_flg desc , last_order_dt desc) when 'Decision Maker' then row_number() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid, lkp.contact_rank order by has_name_flg desc , last_quote_dt desc , mailability_score desc , source_ranking desc) when 'Influencer' then row_number() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid, lkp.contact_rank order by has_name_flg desc, mailability_score desc, source_ranking desc) when 'Payer' then row_number() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid, lkp.contact_rank order by has_name_flg desc, mailability_score desc, source_ranking desc) --elu 05/28/2013 else row_number() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid, lkp.contact_rank order by has_name_flg desc, mailability_score desc, source_ranking desc) end rank2 row_number() over (partition by opt3.dim_plat_site_id, opt3.dim_site_opt_sid order by rank1,rank2) as "rank", case when "rank"<= opt3.maximum_value then 'Y' else 'N' end as include_flg