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Cap Gemini Oracle AllOther Interview Questions
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1)After defining value set we define list of values, I need to enter 1000 values with out entering manually, how will you do that? 2)what are the parameters we use in a concurrent program? 3)what is payroll processing? 4)In organization window after defining an organization and organization classification how to create a new item in the others button? 5)If there are 10 users, How to restrict the selected users not to access the forms?


How to move the data from one flatfile to multiple staging tables?give me some examples? for example in po interface one flat file is there and multiple staging tables are there how can move it?please give me answer for this question?


How to update the simple views?give me example?if the table having 100 records and created a view on this table. if i can update the table then how to update the views

2 5780

how can we send a concurrent program output to the clients through mail or fax give me example.

1 5097

Post New Cap Gemini Oracle AllOther Interview Questions

Cap Gemini Oracle AllOther Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What are the different features of the spring framework?


What are the 3 types of presentation?


Define the difference between preemptive and nonpreemptive scheduling.


What types of costs are associated with creating the index on hive tables?


After first installation of Solaris 10, what and all the Securities We need to set and how ?


What is the use of the required attribute in html5?


Explain basic steps required to display a simple report in crystal?


Explain the paradigm shift in the nature of Mathematics from empirical to rational.


What is enumerable in c#?


Give an example of situations when your leadership skills were needed.


what is evolution of the continents


When is data in change log table of ods deleted?


Describe how employees are set up in Siebel?


Which personal actions have you performed on an employee?


How do I create an extended event in sql server?