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4 21675What is the Entry in Oracle Apps AP,AR,GL for following Transations 1.One Pipe purchase at Rs.100 2.One Pipe Sales At Rs.150 Which account Afected ,What is the journal entry What is the entry at respective module how many modules are afected through above transation
8 15335How can we create FSG in another currency other than the currency which is associated with ledger?
1 6468why we use segment and flex field qualifier what is the difference between flexfield and segment qualifiers
1 9583can u make payment across two legal entity ? ex:- one primary ledger, two legal entity and one legal entity have "A" operating unit and another legal entity have "B" Operating unit .. i posted invoice in "A" OU, can i make payment through "B" OU ? if Yes what is mandatory setups ?
2 9727Can any one please share the answer for "What is the Journal Approval Process in Oracle Apps General Ledger"?
4 7590Prepared transaction for 1000$, Received receipt from customer For 1000$, Transaction and receipt closed. customer returned 200$ worth goods, He wants refund for 200$. how can you achieve this.
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How is ale related to middleware? Explain.
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There is a column with date in it. If I want to get just month how it can be done? Can I use sub string?
Explain job scheduling through JobTracker
How do you insert multiple rows at the same time?