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Cap Gemini CICS Interview Questions
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What are the situations under which NEWCOPY is required ?

2 14262

Can you define multiple maps in a BMS mapset?

3 8811

What are different ways of initiating transaction in CICS ?

3 26861

suppose u want to pageup and page down into the bms screen , for that wat u wud do into the cics application program?

1 13117

How can u pass the control from one prog to another in CICS?

10 15705

whar is the difference bwn LINK() and XCTL()?

7 12385

Im creating map, when i press tab key cursor must skip second position and it move to the third field directly. how can i code plz send the answer.

4 9727

how i can enter into cics region in real time.

2 9257

are we use the group by clause in cursors?

3 8895

plz tell me abt PF key and PA keys

2 8026

Particular area has been affected in cics screen, what is the process to find?

3 8629

write the logic for PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN by using psuedo conversatation technique?

2 13858

How do you enter into cics region and how many regions available?

1 7096

Can any one write coding for scrolling logic or page up & page down?

1 13590

Post New Cap Gemini CICS Interview Questions

Cap Gemini CICS Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is sheet metal work?


What Are Adjusting Entries?


What is difference between list set and map?


How do I create a field template in word?


What is a technical object in plant maintenance?


Why is rundll32 exe running?


Is mongodb object oriented?


Does windows update need internet connection?


Enlist and explain the main methods associated with the resource interface.


Is class Group is necessary to create work object?


What test cases can you automate using QTP?


what is that one cub metre plaster in cemant and fine sand


Explain is it required to install gateway server before installing a siebel server?


What are the major building blocks of cloud architecture?: cloud computing architecture


What is unix shell scripting used for?