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Cap Gemini Cognos Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is the meaning of aggregation and rollup aggregation? Difference between layout calculation and query calculation? How do you hide the rows that have null values? why we use query studio? what is the use of query studio compared to report studio?

7 23326

what is report view?

4 9247

what is the difference b/w mdx and sql?

4 19667

what is render variable

5 40739

what is cognos architechure

4 14689

What is slicer & dicer ? what is sub session parameter ?

2 12829

Interval Prompt's Usage? Example for usage in Project

2 15003

-------------How to create a PortalTab?

1 4306

-------------How to do Bursting a Report?

1 5997

--------------Explain Table of contents?


----------------Diff b/w Dimensional modeling and Relational modeling?

2 13987

-------------Diff b/w Union and Unionall?

3 8127

-----------------What is Singleton?

1 15535

-------------------What is StarShema?

1 4592

------------------What is Inline Query?


Post New Cap Gemini Cognos Interview Questions

Cap Gemini Cognos Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Where are ost files stored?


What is spark shuffle?


What Is Negative Amortization?


I am completed DEEE in tamilnadu, now i am working in andhrapradesh with 2.5 year experience in relavent field. capacity of the tranformer is 11KV, 1MVA Transformer, i am eligible for getting c licence in andhrapradesh pl help me.


How do you do batch testing in wr & is it possible to do in qtp, if so explain?


explain how do geologists find out the age of mountains?


What is the purpose of in measurement unit?


Do we need a validation map for input/output from the map to check its syntax?


What is the mean of "email deliver-ability and email open rates"?


What is meant by the term ‘theming’ in jquery mobile? : jQuery Mobile


A nationalized bank is also called as?


What is the difference between array and pointer?


Tell me what is seo friendly url?


What is managed object context?


Tell us how can you find if an element is displayed on the screen?