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Cap Gemini JCL Interview Questions
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What does a disposition of (NEW,CATLG,KEEP) mean?

1 12286

How do you submit JCL via a Cobol program?

2 20582

What is maximum length of block size?

5 21795

In one of intervie, my interviwer asked, I have a file which contains 4 records I would like to split the 4 different outputs for each record how to do?

14 29193

how to identify a vasam dataset by seeing in 3.4(browse)

5 10043

Hi, can we call catalog( say myproc } proc n times in jcl if so how please explain Thanks in advance

2 7805

what are the technical terms for // /* in jcl

3 7386

What are the common keyword parameters in both job and exec statements

4 12977

Can you delete the GDG base without deleting GDG generations ?

7 19484

In how ways you can pass the data from Jcl to cobol ?

3 18337

What is the use of IEBGENER ?

2 8518

when GDG version number get changed ? bcz always Generations only increasing.

1 6565

db2 maintains information about the data... tables. a set of tables known as db2 catalog. db2 database. d.none of the above. 1 What is the maximum number of tables that can be stored on a Partitioned Table Space ? 1 what is contained in the DB2 node lock file? A) data base names B) data base users names C) license keys D) server names Accenture 5 Can a primary key have null values? If we try to insert a null value in a primary key column, will it work or give an error code? 6 When you are working with the project after coding what will u do? Like what type of documents u will prepare? How will u do testing? 2 how to delete perticular row from table for ex. how you will delete 3rd row from table please answer THANKS IN ADVANCE IBM 7 max number of columns in a db2 table? 6 What is package versioning? Please give an example. 1 What is the picture clause of the null indicator variable? 6 How do you filter out the rows retrieved from a Db2 table ? 1 What is DB2 (IBM Database 2)? 3 Can any one tell me about Restart logic in DB2.

2 4522

Hi, can any one tell about " How do u eliminate the duplicates "

2 5508

How To get the last record in VSAM file in cluster? and How can u get the ksds file records into ur cobol program ? Pls tell me about these two questions.

1 12092

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Cap Gemini JCL Interview Questions

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What are react component lifecycle methods?


Hello,I would like to know the Technical Test Queries for B.P.O.So please reply to my queries at your earliest possibility.


How to make security authorization reports?


Which is better winforms or wpf?


An 8 pole, 50 Hz, 3-phase IM is loaded to a poing where pull out torque will occur. The rotor resistance per phase is 0.3 ohm and motor stalls at 650 rpm. The slip when motor stalls is A 1 B 0 C 13.33% D 10.33%


8. Why do you want to work here?


What is style book or style sheet?


what is the difference b/w heuristic and optimizer in apo snp?


What are the strongest shapes in building?




What are validator? Name the validation controls in How do you disable them?


What is made up of nserror object?


What is update_statistics command?


Which bidding strategy should you use to achieve this goal?


What apps are written in python?