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Cap Gemini SAP BW (Business Warehouse) Interview Questions
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What is v1,v2 and v3 updates?

3 32138

how do u deceided to go create Aggregates for cube. what purpose u want to create aggregates?

2 10993

how can u correct the error in loading for Delta failure

2 12834

where do u find the option "REPAIR REQUEST"? WHAT IS THE USE OF THAT?

7 20894

R/3 extraction failed - recovery procedure?

3 6498

what are the pre requisites for BI content installation?

1 5228

R/3 extraction failed - recovery procedure? R/3 extraction is running from past 2 years. Suddenly it failed since 5 days and again today it is running fine. But how i do get data loaded to cube for failed loads? What are the procedures that can be followed?


How many version in SAP BODI?

1 5845

we have a ods in process chain and the ods activation is taking long time how will u optimize the activation process.

1 6049

Post New Cap Gemini SAP BW (Business Warehouse) Interview Questions

Cap Gemini SAP BW (Business Warehouse) Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What will the ?getdate() function returns in PHP?


Material Determination Issue while posting billing document. I am taking about the standard process of SAP. Just try entry with Outcome as A while defining substitute reason and then process the order. It will show both the old and new material with item category as TAX and TAPS respectively. TAX for non- stock item- means as of now the material is not available. TAPS- the new material which has replaced the old material. Now, if you will see the configuration of item category TAX and TAPS in IDES, it would be more clearer as I mentioned in the first update. The only issue is - I am facing a problem in billing. Now if you re-consider my post, I guess it would be more clearer. However, the issue is that in billing its not showing the right price. Please suggest. Configuration - Item category- TAX- Old material. Billing relevance- A Stats- X Pricing- NO Item Category- TAPS- New materail Billing Relevance- A Stats- NO Pricing- Yes Because I want both the material in billing, so billing relevance is A. And I want the price of new material so for TAPS pricing - Yes. But every time I am trying system is taking the price of TAX. Not sure why? If I make it as vice- verse, thinking lets take the price of new material, now the system is taking the price of old .


what elements constitute the organizational structure?


What is dbrm? When it will be created?


What is the purpose of stern tube?


A Question Like A Wire Is Wound Whose Resistance Is Some 132. 44647 Ohms. If A Voltage Of 30 mv, 296 Ma Current Is Applied To It What Is The Resistance.


Explain about scrrun.dll in vbscript?


Why potassium dichromate is used in calibration of uv?


what are user defined datatypes? : Sql server database administration


plz send me any one gate papers


Can we use only jpa without hibernate?


Who is known as the father of php?


Why is dom used?


Why are pointers used?


What are the different types of windows?