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Cap Gemini Advanced Java Interview Questions
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I wantr to know, How many number of users logged in to website? can any one answer

7 11637

can we write implementation for a method with in another method?

3 6721

Dear freinds... I want to know how to write self mapping for a table using hibernate?

1 5030

1) what is synchronization? 2)write a program to show synchronization ? 3) what is orm? 4) what is getTemplete method and hw u use it? 5)write a singleton program ? 6) what is IOC concept & explain it? 7) methods of spring? 8)explain spring framework? 9)what are the oops concept? 10)what r the diff types of exception? 11)what is AOP(assepct oriented programing)? 12)jsp life cycle? 13)servlet life cycle? 14)how to u catch ur exception when executing a query in hibernate? 15)write javascript function? 16)write a querry to join two tables? 17)wap to show inheritance and use of interface? 18)explain the project? 19)in spring bean class uses singleton or prototype? 20)Explain prototype?

1 6476

what we can't do in jdbc but can do hibernate?

3 8977

Post New Cap Gemini Advanced Java Interview Questions

Cap Gemini Advanced Java Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Do I have to change the update rules/source fields for the infostructure?


Explain cts?


can we extend a class having only one parameterised constructor.Suggest the process to do it.


Where is the margin in microsoft word 2010?


What is the function of ‘git stash apply’?


How many tables are required for many to many relationship?


types of laps in column


What is the use of look up function in ms excel?


What is jumla strike?


How to install oracle database 10g xe?


Can we override magic methods in php?


How many tabs in testdirector and explain them?


What is partioner in hadoop? Where does it run,mapper or reducer?


how solar power plant energy meter multiplication factor


How to deactivate triggers?