if we take 2 tables(like emp and dept), we use join stage and how to improve the performance?
5 14007i have one table with one column in this column i have three rows like 1,1,2 then that rows populate to target as first tow rows as one row and remaing row as one row how it posible? COLUMN_NAME SHIVA RAMU MADHU THEN I WANT TO LIKE SHIVA AND RAMU IN ONE ROW AND MADHU IS ONE ROW IF ANY ONE KNOW PLZ TELL ME
3 8962i have a table col1 10 20 30 40 10 20 50 my requirement is how to retrive only duplicates like 10 10 20 20 like this how it's possible in SQL?
11 18838How to get max salary of an organization using data stage stages........... can any body help me plz.......
7 28518I have a file it contain 2 records like empname,company as Ram, Tcs and Ram, IBM. But i want empname, company1,company2 as Ram, TCS,IBM in the target. How?
6 12708Post New Cap Gemini Data Stage Interview Questions
What are the different design constraints occur in the synthesis phase?
What is the use of httpservletrequestwrapper?
How to create a public static method in PHP?
What are the api's used outside the tensorflow project?
what are wrappers and build ups and what it's use?
What is magma?
How to enable lazy loading?
How to print message in mysql trigger?
Explain bernoulli’s theorem. State its application.
Explain about method local inner classes or local inner classes in java?
In HI POT test what is reason for applying the AC VOLTS and DC VOLTS in different applications what is the nessesity for this ?
What do you mean by chart of accounts? What are its important elements?
What does floor mean in c++?
store officer most important goal for next year
In the servlet 2.4 specification singlethreadmodel has been deprecated, why?